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Share + Life Inventory = INTRODUCTION


Welcome to LIFE INVENTORY > a BLOG composed of lifestyle + fitness + wellness = inspiration! I am committed to provide a platform to intentionally create and support a culture that activates and facilitates positive and lasting CHANGE!

What is ‘LIFE INVENTORY’? A process of self-examination > to analyze what in your life feels right and in-line with your authentic self, and what does not. These are the areas of your emotional self + your relationships + your work-life + your recreational life = forming your LIFE-ORBIT.

In order to truly ELEVATE YOUR LIFE you must take some intentional actions based on the understanding of who you are now, how and why you got here, and identify your specific goals and dreams. When you have determined your actual life position, it will be easier to see what you need to do in order to shift and optimize your lifestyle.

This is why taking a cumulative ‘LIFE INVENTORY’ is necessary. It compels us to dig deeper and identify the true reasons our life has taken specific pivotal directions over the course of time.

It’s important to understand that living the life you desire that is in-line with your authentic truths is certainly worth your time and effort. And it is equally important to celebrate your progress and practice enjoying personal growth and development!

Take this ‘life inventory’ with me today > look at your reflection and choose to ELEVATE YOUR LIFESTYLE!



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