As I’ve introduced the practice of taking a ‘LIFE INVENTORY’ > a process of self-examination to analyze what in your life feels right and in-line with your authentic self, and what does not.
And now ‘what is your ‘LIFEORBIT’? I created and actively use the term ‘lifeorbit’ in discussions, my writings, and it’s happens to be the name of my lifestyle consulting company. The term ‘orbit’ comes from the Latin ‘orbita’ meaning ‘course’ or ‘track’. The verb is the act of revolving around another object, usually on a circular or elliptical course.
The verticals of ‘life inventory’ are; emotional self + relationships + work-life + recreational life. Each of these and its components form an ORBIT > YOUR ORBIT. With each one affecting the other and the intricate connection between all of the orbiting factors and how they not only influence our core (us) but how each vertical (emotional self + relationships + work-life + recreational life) influences each other = all interconnected. Our orbit constantly shifts from becoming big or small with each #revolution.
These components must all be working synergistically to feel whole and balanced in our lives. We are the CORE (influence) and our energy is a constant value at every point along its orbit. We must nourish, foster, and strengthen each area which is in orbit around us in order to feel more and more complete.

The idea of taking a ‘life inventory’ is to compel us to identify those areas for improvement. Your cumulative assessments are meant to help you transition more and more into a healthier lifestyle by creating constant awareness to make positive changes!
Take this ‘life inventory’ with me today and commit to being #intentional in your own life! Once you start to see The Lords plan unfold and how seamless HIS will flows; you will wonder why you didn't start sooner > but it's never too late! BE blessed today and always!