Taking a ‘life inventory’ provides you with awareness and a fresh perspective. This is especially important when it comes to your inner circle of friends and influencers.
You are the core; it starts with you! Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers; plant your own garden! You get to choose what seeds you plant in it. You can plant seeds of positivity, love, and abundance. Or you can plant seeds of negativity, fear, and lack…
Remember; a seed can’t grow in bad soil. If you don’t ‘weed out’ the wrong people you will never meet the right people! I believe that God will never ask us to give something up without giving us more back in return. You may go through seasons of loneliness; often God removes to draw us closer to him. But HE will always bring new relationships > people that will lift you up instead of pulling you down.
It’s important to also know that people simply don’t always like you or are always happy for you. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them! If you find yourself having to tiptoe around others; you’re not walking amongst your tribe!
If you surround yourself with people who are not accustom to your success or level; they become fearful and scared because you are reflecting back something they don’t recognize. People who want the best for you want you to BE your best! Simple. Surround yourself with people that will love and encourage you and fill up your cup…

Taking an inventory provides a moment in time to speak into the universe your truth, dreams, goals and aspirations. Always talk like your dreams are going to happen!! And limit your time with people who see the downside of every situation! You must have CHARGERS in your inner circle! Chargers energize and cheer you up and are always available to boost your spirits and vibrations.
Don’t be afraid to stand-up or go against the grain > you are not here to adapt to energy but to set the tone! BE an AWAKENER and surround yourself with people who stretch your viewpoint and vision and introduce you to new and better ideas and opportunities. They help you to dream big and BE a forward thinker!!
Make friends and build relationships with those that force you to level up! Those you have in your inner circle will be one of the most important choices you make!
Remember the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself! I love this quote by Oscar Wilde “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” BE intentional and plant seeds of love, and joy in your own heart and soul.
Take this ‘life inventory’ with me today and don’t spend all your time taking care of everyone else’s garden; work on making yours beautiful and attract other beautiful and authentic people to your garden > life!
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